Women’s Ministry
AIC Kanzinwa Church has an active Women's fellowship and we We gather to study God’s word, pray together and share lives with one another as we follow Christ. We believe that God’s word is central and aspire to have our lives and ministry grounded on it.
Contact Mary
Tel: 123-456-7890
Youth Ministry
The Youths contributes a large percentage of our Church.We are very intentional to utilize our energy in serving God and His people,growing together in His knowledge as we strive to become more like Christ in our daily lives.
Contact Fridah Vaati
Tel: 0706 988 735
Children Ministry
We believe that children are sinners by the virtue that they are descendent from Adam and the bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We strongly believe that children should be taught the bible and should hear the gospel proclaimed with the same urgency as the adults
Contact Mwange
Tel: 123-456-7890
Men's Fellowship
The men’s fellowship exists to point men to what is Biblical manhood.We are also keen to point other men outside the fellowship to Christ and we acknowledge that discipleship is key for the growth of an individual Christian and Christian community as a whole
Contact Daudi
Tel: 123-456-7890